The State of Real Estate Forum
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
First and foremost, I want to thank the unquestionable strength and character of our community, the medical professionals, the first responders, the volunteers, and all those involved with outreach and support during these unprecedented times we are facing.
This week the industry leaders of our brokerage, Jackson Hole Real Estate Associates, hosted a community forum providing perspective and insight on the impact on current economic conditions and the impact of real estate. Bob Grady, Partner at Gryphon Investors, kicked off the discussion by sharing his insights regarding the impact of COVID-19 on current economic conditions.
I was fortunate for the opportunity to speak on the effects of the virus in our marketplace alongside my colleagues at Jackson Hole Real Estate Associates.
Here is an Overview on what was discussed:
- Current economics on a local, state, and global basis
- Residual effects in a post-quarantine economy and impact on recovery
- How COVID-19 is affecting real estate values
- A comparison of the current market changes to those in the past
- The impact on lending in current economic conditions
- How COVID-19 is affecting the way we live
David A. NeVille