Great Example of Great Storefront Promotion with Physique22
Physique22 is a great Fitness Boutique next to our office on Pearl Ave. If you were wondering what a “Fitness Boutique” is, Physique22 specializes in flow (a more western type of yoga), hot flow and barre and it also sells performance apparel.
A “coming soon” sign and the name “Physique22” hung in the windows, offering little in the way of an explanation about what, exactly, was going on inside.
“It was awesome,” director Danielle Goldyn said of the early exposure and the mystique generated for Physique22, the “fitness boutique” that opened in November.
The NeVille Group doesn’t only specialize in the residential side of real estate, but we also understand the needs of local businesses. We can help you find that perfect commercial spot in Jackson Hole.
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“Storefront lures guest to new barre“ – Jackson Hole News and Guide 2/19/2014